30-seconds. That’s how long it takes to read this introduction.
And during that same 30-seconds, a commercial for your company could be airing on 104.7 The Point, reaching the Point’s forty thousand listeners!
That’s forty thousand potential new customers hearing about your company and discovering your products or services. Forty thousand people who live, work, and shop in Vermont.
That’s the power of radio advertising.
In this era of emerging media and increased competition for attention, radio perseveres because it reaches people wherever and whenever. In the car, at the workplace, at home, in the gym — you name it, radio is there.
And your company’s message could be there, too!
Call or email today for your free no-obligation, no-pressure consultation, and learn how The Point can help your company grow and prosper!
Donald St. Sauveur
Phone: 617-816-0040
Email Donald
Advertising Inquiry Form
The Power of Radio Advertising

- Radio is Vermont’s #1 reach medium
- Radio has mass appeal, and dominates across key demographics
- Radio is a medium of influence and personality
- Radio advertising delivers exceptional brand recall
- Radio advertising creates top-of-mind brand awareness
- Radio advertising drives online search
- Radio advertising directly impacts purchase decisions
- Radio advertising delivers superior ROI
Learn more in this in this infographic summarizing The Power of Radio.
One-Stop-Shop for Expanded Advertising Reach
104.7 The Point provides advertisers with excellent coverage, value, and targeted reach, as our 50,000 watt signal blankets northern and central Vermont — extending south to Royalton and Sharon, north to the Canadian border, west to Saranac Lake, NY, and east to Littleton, NH.
We also offer advertisers the opportunity to easily extend their reach even further by taking advantage of our Point Radio Network. For a small additional fee, we’ll air your commercial on our three additional stations, reaching an even greater local audience to the south, east and west.
Myths & Misconceptions About Radio
MYTH: Everyone is listening to Pandora/Spotify/Satellite
TRUTH: Despite numerous audio options, radio continues to play an important role for music, entertainment and information. Radio touches the lives of millions of consumers every week in the U.S. – regardless of the platform or device being used. Radio engages more people each week than any other audio option. View details
MYTH: It’s hard to track and measure radio’s local results.
TRUTH: Radio delivers measurable results. It drives web traffic and influences behavior. Radio’s advertising impact can be measured both online and offline. According to a Nielsen 2018 study, listeners who heard a radio ad three or more times took significant action as compared to those that hadn’t heard the radio ad. View details
MYTH: Radio doesn’t drive traffic or sales
TRUTH: As the original mobile medium, radio reaches consumers wherever they are, influencing product consideration, web traffic, and purchase behavior. View details
MYTH: Social Media is more effective than radio.
TRUTH: Driving conversation and engagement among listeners is one of radio’s greatest strengths, and the personalities on radio stations are the original social media influencers. As the original social medium, radio reaches more adults every week than social networking on devices. View details
MYTH: Radio can’t target a specific audience like cable TV can.
TRUTH: Radio provides targetability, and reaches more adults weekly than other video options. Consumers who plan on buying a product, using a service or expect a lifestyle change are radio listeners. View details